Parent Network & D86 Presents: College and Career Readiness

Sujit MenonNews

On February 20th at 7 pm at Hinsdale South High School Auditorium, Tracy Kline & Karla Megow, of College Of DuPage, will present on COD’s COACH (Career Opportunities and Achievement) program. These programs are designed to help increase educational, vocational and socialization opportunities for developmentally disabled students in DuPage County. It provides post-high school transition students with additional educational training aimed at preparing them for meaningful employment.

Taryn Chrapkowski, District 86’s Transitional Team will present national data behind post-secondary education and employment, and how it drives transition planning, outline the district transition service programs and integrating assistive technology for post-secondary success.

Tim Ahlberg, Assistant Director of Admission at Elmhurst College, will present the Elmhurst Learning & Success Academy (ELSA) at Elmhurst College. ELSA is a four-year, post-secondary college experience program for young adults with differing abilities between the ages of 18 and 28. ELSA focuses on academics, career exploration, social and recreational experiences in a traditional four-year college environment

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