On March 19, 2020 from 1:00-8:00pm, the Hinsdale District 86 Transition Center will be providing FREE individualized 1-hour consultations around accessing government benefits (PUNS, SSI, Medicaid, Guardianship, Powers of Attorney). Meetings will be in a one-on-one setting with experts from local adult agencies. To request an appointment, visit http://bit.ly/2QBGBaN
Click Here for Flyer!
03/21/2020: 07:00 pm-09:30 pm
Notre Dame Parish, 64 Norfolk, Clarendon Hills
The Boosters are having a socially distanced spiritwear sale on May 16th and June 1st from 9-11am. We have a limited selection that includes our more popular items such as Hinsdale Central hoodies, hats, t-shirts and windbreakers.
We will accept cash, check and credit cards. Please wear a mask.
Please contact Michelle Fischer at mbfischer74@gmail.com for an appointment and location of the sale. Thank you for supporting Boosters!
The Boosters are having a socially distanced spiritwear sale on May 16th and June 1st from 9-11am. We have a limited selection that includes our more popular items such as Hinsdale Central hoodies, hats, t-shirts and windbreakers.
We will accept cash, check and credit cards. Please wear a mask.
Please contact Michelle Fischer at mbfischer74@gmail.com for an appointment and location of the sale. Thank you for supporting Boosters!
PTO Meeting and Conversations with Principal Bill Walsh and the Leadership Team
Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99179669106
Meeting ID: 991 7966 9106
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Questions? Contact Mary Henneman at president@hcpto.org
We are having our September spiritwear sale offsite at 303 N. County Line Road on September 9th from 2-4pm. We will have a limited selection that includes our more popular items such as hoodies, hats, t-shirts, and windbreakers.
We will accept cash, check and credit cards – please wear a mask.
Thank you for supporting Boosters.
Date and Time: 09/09/2020, 02:00 pm-04:00 pm
Location: 303 N. County Line Road, Hinsdale