On Friday, April 26th we will be hosting the annual Teacher and Staff Spring Dessert Buffet.
For this event we set up a buffet of cookies, dessert bars, and fruit platters – all provided by parent volunteers.
Quest provides coffee, iced tea, and lemonade.
Here’s how you can help make this event another huge success…
*Contribute a fruit platter (approximately 15 needed)
*Contribute 4 dozen cookies or dessert bars (approximately 30 needed)
*Contribute 2 small colorful potted plants/flowers tied with a bow to use as centerpieces (20 needed total)
* Design/create 2 posters thanking teachers for their hard work this year. Please use pastel colors or red/black. Will be used to decorate the dining room (2 needed)
These items should be delivered to the school before 9:00 AM on the day of the event, Friday, April 26th. Carts will be set up just inside the main entrance for easy drop off.
*Contribute some time Volunteers are needed starting at 8:30 AM for set-up and continuing on through 2:30 PM to help replenish the buffet, greet teachers, and clean up. Please come for whatever amount of time you can spare.
Please contact Kathy Schilder with any questions: appreciate@hcpto.org or (630) 853-0251
HCHS 101: What’s New, What’s Not, and What to Watch for in the Upcoming School Year.