Please join us on Monday, April 22nd at 9:15 am for our final PTO meeting for this school year. We will have a short business meeting at 9:15 followed by Conversations with HCHS Director of Deans Kimm Deever who will be discussing school security and social pressures HCHS students are facing. Specifically, Kimm will discuss the current e-cigarette epidemic among teens and how HCHS is responding. This is a meeting not to be missed!
Please note the meeting day and time change: The meeting will be held on Monday at 9:15 am
Refreshments will be served. All are welcome!
Kim Deever will speak about safety and juuling
On Friday, April 26th we will be hosting the annual Teacher and Staff Spring Dessert Buffet.
For this event we set up a buffet of cookies, dessert bars, and fruit platters – all provided by parent volunteers.
Quest provides coffee, iced tea, and lemonade.
Here’s how you can help make this event another huge success…
*Contribute a fruit platter (approximately 15 needed)
*Contribute 4 dozen cookies or dessert bars (approximately 30 needed)
*Contribute 2 small colorful potted plants/flowers tied with a bow to use as centerpieces (20 needed total)
* Design/create 2 posters thanking teachers for their hard work this year. Please use pastel colors or red/black. Will be used to decorate the dining room (2 needed)
These items should be delivered to the school before 9:00 AM on the day of the event, Friday, April 26th. Carts will be set up just inside the main entrance for easy drop off.
*Contribute some time Volunteers are needed starting at 8:30 AM for set-up and continuing on through 2:30 PM to help replenish the buffet, greet teachers, and clean up. Please come for whatever amount of time you can spare.
Please contact Kathy Schilder with any questions: or (630) 853-0251
HCHS 101: What’s New, What’s Not, and What to Watch for in the Upcoming School Year.