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03/21/2020: 07:00 pm-09:30 pm
Notre Dame Parish, 64 Norfolk, Clarendon Hills
The Boosters are having a socially distanced spiritwear sale on May 16th and June 1st from 9-11am. We have a limited selection that includes our more popular items such as Hinsdale Central hoodies, hats, t-shirts and windbreakers.
We will accept cash, check and credit cards. Please wear a mask.
Please contact Michelle Fischer at for an appointment and location of the sale. Thank you for supporting Boosters!
The Boosters are having a socially distanced spiritwear sale on May 16th and June 1st from 9-11am. We have a limited selection that includes our more popular items such as Hinsdale Central hoodies, hats, t-shirts and windbreakers.
We will accept cash, check and credit cards. Please wear a mask.
Please contact Michelle Fischer at for an appointment and location of the sale. Thank you for supporting Boosters!
PTO Meeting and Conversations with Principal Bill Walsh and the Leadership Team
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 991 7966 9106
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Questions? Contact Mary Henneman at
We are having our September spiritwear sale offsite at 303 N. County Line Road on September 9th from 2-4pm. We will have a limited selection that includes our more popular items such as hoodies, hats, t-shirts, and windbreakers.
We will accept cash, check and credit cards – please wear a mask.
Thank you for supporting Boosters.
Date and Time: 09/09/2020, 02:00 pm-04:00 pm
Location: 303 N. County Line Road, Hinsdale